Online Live Class
Chocolate Treats Melissa Coppel
Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview
A treat is meant to be enjoyed and to make you feel good and comforted when you try it: that’s what the recipes we’ll be making in this online-live class are all about!
These treats are the kind our clients will love as they celebrate those traditional, delicious pies that stay with us forever.
[During the class, we will make a Cappuccino Whoopie Pie that feels like the grown-up, richer version of this comforting pick-me-up.
Then, a recipe that reminds Chef Melissa of one of her favorite tropical childhood flavors from Colombia by making a passion fruit jelly and passion marshmallow coconut praliné pie.
Finally, peanut butter has its moment with a banana caramel, peanut butter ganache, and peanut butter crisp.