Vegan Oat Chocolate Mendiants
$49 (USD)
On Demand Recipe
Mendiants are a fantastic canvas for all kinds of flavors and toppings.
They're easy, convenient, and delicious products you can easily perfect if you want to start your chocolate business or journey, even for a plant-based line!
Chef Melissa's mendiants are your best option. Why? Because they're made with oat-based chocolate that will leave everyone wondering what kind of artisanal, delicate white chocolate you used.
If you struggle to find a delicious vegan "white" chocolate with great texture and mouthfeel, this coconut, oat, and vanilla-based recipe is for you. Try it for yourself. You'll be amazed! It's "milky", full-bodied, and smooth. We're sure it will become your go-to white vegan chocolate recipe.
These mendiants are also the perfect customizable bite. Top them with pistachios, roses, and strawberries, and they turn into a fruity, creamy, crunchy, and floral treat!
With this class, you will discover the basic principles you need to start making vegan chocolates from scratch that go far beyond (the good ol' reliable, but monotonous) dark chocolate that plant-based customers always have to eat.
Master this oat chocolate recipe by Chef Melissa and make your vegan customers fall in love with your chocolates, enroll now!
What is included in the recipe?
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